Rubber Lined Fittings Catalogue

Rubber Lined Fittings Catalogue


Reference Materials Components
Style Style Description Style Style Description
Incoterms 2010 CR Cross rings
Truck Trailer Dimensions TF Tee flanged 150# Class
Container Dimensions TG Tee Grooved
ASME B31.3 2002 Process Piping TR Tee Rings
Pipe Weight And Dimensions WF True Wye Flanged 150# Class
Design Criteria For Rubber Lined Pipe And Fittings WG True Wye Grooved
Paint Options WR True Wye Rings
Rubber Options LF Lateral Flanged 150# class
Wear Charts LG Lateral Grooved
Wear Factors LR Lateral Rings
Manufacturing Quality Plan E9F Elbow 90 Degree Flanged 150# Class
25.01A Cut Groove Specification 25.01A - Abrasion E9G Elbow 90 Degree Flanged Grooved
25.01C Cut Groove Specification 25.01C - Corrosion E9R Elbow 90 Degree Flanged Rings
E6F Elbow 60 Degree Flanged 150# Class
Components E6G Elbow 60 Degree Flanged Grooved
Style Style Description E6R Elbow 60 Degree Flanged Rings
FA Flange Adapter 150# Class E4F Elbow 45 Degree Flanged 150# Class
RTF Reducing Tee Flanged 150# Class E4G Elbow 45 Degree Flanged Grooved
RTR Reducing Tee Rings E4R Elbow 45 Degree Flanged Rings
RTG Reducing Tee Grooved E3F Elbow 30 Degree Flanged 150# Class
RCF Reducing Concentric Reducer Flanged 150# Class E3G Elbow 30 Degree Flanged Grooved
RCG Reducing Concentric Reducer Grooved E3R Elbow 30 Degree Flanged Rings
RCR Reducing Concentric Reducer Rings E2F Elbow 22.5 Degree Flanged 150# Class
REF Reducing Concentric Reducer Flanged 150# Class E2G Elbow 22.5 Degree Flanged Grooved
REG Reducing Ecccentric Reducer Grooved E2R Elbow 22.5 Degree Flanged Rings
RER Reducing Eccentric Reducer Rings E1F Elbow 22.5 Degree Flanged 150# Class
CF Cross Flanged 150# Class E1G Elbow 22.5 Degree Flanged Grooved
CG Cross Grooved E1R Elbow 22.5 Degree Flanged Rings